We are London Youth, a charity on a mission to improve the lives of young people in London, challenging them to become the best they can. Young people need opportunities outside school to have fun with their friends, to learn new skills, to make a positive change in their communities and to shape the city they live in.
Last year, we worked with over 27,000 young people through our sports development, employability, youth action and involvement, arts and outdoor education programmes. Our work gives young people access to opportunities they might not otherwise have had.
Throughout our history, community youth organisations have provided a constant lifeline and a vital safe space outside the family and formal education, where young people can develop confidence, resilience and skills.
Our vision is that all young Londoners grow up healthy, able to express themselves, navigate a fulfilling career and make a positive contribution in their communities.
Our mission is to support and challenge young people to become the best they can be; developing their confidence, resilience and relationship skills.
We do this with, and through, our network of community youth organisations and at our two residential centres. We look to work with all young people, focusing particularly on those who wouldn’t otherwise have access to the kind of opportunities we offer.
Because good youth work works.
#21by21 is a national campaign bringing together sports organisations with business and policy-makers in a pledge to provide 21,000 community sport coaches and volunteers with mental health awareness training by 2021. Find out more about the campaign.
London Youth has received funding from the London Marathon Charitable Trust.
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