CV Life
Serving communities in all parts of Coventry

Our mission to provide a wide range of sporting, recreational, educational and social activities to under-represented and disadvantaged community groups and individuals within Coventry.

In addition to sporting and non-sporting activities within our centres, we have an extensive programme of development work that impacts people and communities in all parts of Coventry.

That work is set to grow and develop even more in the future, with much of that activity not necessarily being sport related, but more about encouraging people to be active in ways that suit them and their interests and needs.

A unique aspect of CV Life’s delivery is through its Community Development function, where a wide range of activities are programmed and delivered completely outside of any of the leisure centres, in community and neighbourhood locations. The aim of the Community Development Department is to reach people within their own community environments and address barriers to participation through breaking down inhibition within familiar neighbourhood settings.

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