Cornwall Sports Partnership
Working in partnership to make sport and physical activity a part of everyday life throughout the county

Cornwall Sports Partnership is one of 43 sports partnerships across England joined by a common purpose to increase engagement in sport and physical activity. In Cornwall and the Isles of Scilly we are aiming for 50,000 people doing more activity by 2020.

We aim to make sport and physical activity a part of everyday life through working in partnership. We help deliver the infrastructure and programmes to encourage more people to play sport and be physically active. This includes sharing and developing a granular understanding of our people and places, understanding behaviours to activity, supporting and delivery local interventions, increasing the amount of resource and funds coming into the county for physical activity, developing a quality workforce through encouraging volunteering and developing the sector, setting standards and encouraging others to support the work that we do.

Our services help people to enjoy, achieve and look after their health. The impact of our service can help people to enjoy a better quality of life from birth into increasingly older age. Active people including students are likely to perform better than their inactive peers and this has a positive impact on the economy. Activity can also help reduce the incidence of a number of life limiting illnesses including coronary heart disease, some cancers and improve mental health.

Inny Building, Old County Hall Site, Station Road, Truro TR1 3HA

01872 323344