Social outcomes central to new sportscotland strategy

The social value of sport lies at the heart of sportscotland’s new strategy, which was launched this week.

The mission of the ‘Sport for Life’ strategy is to “help the people of Scotland get the most from the sporting system”, with a vision of “an active Scotland where everyone benefits from sport”.

The strategy talks about how “creating a culture of active healthy lifestyles in Scotland will underpin a great sporting nation” and defines five key areas where sport and physical activity benefit society: health, increased physical activity, skills development, stronger communities and economic development.

“Even if people don’t take part in sport, they can still enjoy these benefits, both in their communities and across Scotland as a whole.”

The strategy adds: “Alongside making improvements on poor diet and substance misuse, physical activity is vital to enabling a healthy and active population. For a more active Scotland, a variety of organisations need to work together with communities and individuals in different settings.

“To help focus this work, the Government has created a set of Active Scotland outcomes to which organisations can contribute. The Active Scotland Outcomes Framework is aligned with Scotland’s National Performance Framework.”

Read the new Sport for Life strategy.