Premier League challenge targets single-use plastic

The Premier League has launched a new competition encouraging children to use less single-use plastic in their schools and communities.

The ‘Plastic Pollution Challenge’, created in conjunction with Sky Ocean Rescue, will ask primary school pupils to make a pledge on how they will cut use of plastics, with prizes for the best responses.

The competition was launched by former Arsenal and England footballer Alex Scott at the Princess May Primary School in Stoke Newington, east London.

"I'm passionate about working with young people to create a positive change around this important issue," said Alex, who is a Sky Ocean Rescue Ambassador.

"Children are the future and will suffer most at the hands of single-use plastic and so I'm excited to see the kids taking a lead today, pledging to make changes to help save our planet."

The Plastic Pollution Challenge is part of new Premier League Primary Stars teaching resources dedicated to the Sky Ocean Rescue campaign.

The resources, which can be accessed here, help children understand the damage that single-use plastic is having on the environment. The competition closes on March 22.