A new degree course is set to open up new career possibilities for practitioners in the Sport for Development sector.
The University of Gloucestershire is seeking applications for its new Professional Practice in Sport for Development course, starting in October this year. Masters and PhD courses are also available.
Nine employees of Active Communities Network from London, Portsmouth, Belfast and Manchester enrolled on a pilot version of the course at the start of the 2017/18 academic year, and such has been its success that it is being thrown open sector-wide.
The course has been developed by Professor Andrew Parker and colleagues in the School of Sport and Exercise at the University of Gloucestershire, alongside Kevin McPherson, Head of Operations at Active Communities Network. Justin Coleman, Co-Founder and Secretariat at the Alliance of Sport for the Desistance of Crime, has also been heavily involved, providing input and expertise on sport and criminal justice.
“This is something that no-one else is offering within the sector,” said McPherson. “It’s about accrediting people who already have so much knowledge and ability, and putting theory into their practice, essentially doing it the other way around to a traditional degree.”