Peterborough United Foundation

Since the formation of the Peterborough United Foundation in 2009, the former Football in the Community Scheme has delivered a variety of projects across 4 key themes outlined by the English Football League Trust and the Premier League. The 4 themes are: Sports Participation, Social Inclusion/Community Cohesion, Health and Education. 

Women & Girls
Peterborough United Foundation is fully committed to providing and advancing sporting opportunities for females in and around the local area. This includes developing footballing talent within our Girls Elite & Development Centres, Ladies Academy, working with local clubs and teams, running girls only holiday courses and working with other partners/organisations to promote female sport for all, in a fun and safe environment. Our aims are to introduce as many new girls and women to the sport whether it be playing, officiating or coaching and to support them realising their full potential. In addition to this our aim is to provide a clear pathway for all girls and women to participate and develop further.

NCS is a government funded programme aimed at 15-17 year olds. The aim of the programme is to bring young people together from various different backgrounds and offer them new opportunities as they take on new challenges, new skills and engage with new people. Enabling these young people to discover new talents and uncover their potential while having fun and enjoying themselves, the scheme has proved to be a resounding success. The programme runs over a 4 week period in the summer holidays which consists of two residential weeks Monday – Friday and two weeks 9-4pm in and around the local community. The idea is for young people to gain confidence and independence as they learn to communicate with local organisations as long side creating, planning and delivering a social action project in a group of 15. Social action projects in the past have seen young people raise hundreds of pounds for charity as well as volunteer their own time to make a difference in their community.

Futsal Scholarship
Peterborough United Foundation is fully committed to providing an excellent standard of sporting opportunities for males and females in local and surrounding areas. We currently run a futsal scholarship programme aimed at youngsters leaving Year 11. We offer the chance to represent Peterborough United FC while studying with multiple subjects of each players choice. During the two year scholarship, each player receives many chances to gain further qualifications in coaching, NCS and other off curriculum activities. Our aims are to introduce as many boys and girls to the sport of futsal. In addition to this our aim is to provide a clear pathway for all to participate and develop further.


Premier League Primary Stars
We at Peterborough United Football Club are excited to introduce the Premier League Primary Stars Programme. An exciting new project delivered in co-operation with Peterborough United F.C. and the Premier League supporting primary schools with a vision to ‘use the inspiration of the Premier League and professional football clubs to create healthier and more positive futures for all children in England & Wales’. By signing up to the programme schools get access to high quality PE provision and an excellent array of teaching resources. The programme will use the appeal of the Premier League, football and Peterborough United Football Club to improve and enhance PE and other curriculum areas, and develops the skills and values that are crucial to success in later life. This education programme is designed to teach children four core themes which are "Be Connected", "Be Ambitious", "Be Fair" and "Be Inspiring".

In Partnership with the EFL we are part of the project ‘Every Player Counts’ We deliver curricular sessions in SEN schools. Outside of schools, we run Funday camps during school holidays, and have PAN Disability, adult and children sessions on a Saturday, along with Cerebral Palsy specific on a Thursday night.

School Sports Programme 
Peterborough United Foundation delivers more than football.  Our highly experienced and qualified staff can offer PPA cover and teacher CPD opportunities in football, tag rugby, hockey, basketball and cricket for Key Stage 2 pupils and multi-skills activities for Key Stage 1.  We are also able to offer, along with the above sports, dodgeball, athletics and tennis as part of our afterschool programme.  

Development Centres
Development Centres run for under 7’s through to under 16’s and allow us to coach a player whilst they still train and play for a grassroots team.  Development Centres act as a stepping stone between local football and our academy.  Contained within our Development Centres, at under 9 to under 12’s, is an additional level named Development Squads.

ABAX Stadium, London Road, Peterborough, PE2 8AL

01733 563947