Paddington Development Trust
Local residents are at the heart of everything we do

Paddington Development Trust Community Champions, Church Street

Just for Women at The Greenhouse Centre Led by Maria a female community coach who has experience of developing women throughout table tennis and sport the sessions will be for women only. This enables the women to exercise without any inhibitions and will support any women who, for cultural reasons, cannot exercise with men. We will provide weekly drop-in sessions for women to take part in table tennis and socialise with other residents:

- To engage with local female residents who would not normally access a sports venue or take part in physical activity by providing a safe, welcoming and inspirational space.

- To increase the physical activity levels of women living or working in the Church Street ward or Westminster and beyond by providing free, high quality table tennis sessions.

- To enhance resident's quality of life with activities that improve their physical and mental health.

020 3214 3113

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