Colour Blind Awareness

Our mission is to raise awareness of the issues affecting colour blind people in sport with the ultimate aim of achieving equal access for every colour blind person however they engage with any sport.

Worldwide there are approximately 300million people with colour blindness but, despite the huge numbers of people affected, it is an under-recognised and poorly understood condition. In sport, colour blindness is important because it can affect players, spectators, management or other stakeholders at every level of the game and it can impact performance, spoil the enjoyment of watching a match and have an adverse effect on revenues and safety. 

Please watch the video below – it’s a fun introduction to colour blindness and the issues it can cause in football.

Our aims
Our aims are ambitious! Our objective is to work with all sports to make a positive impact and resolve potential isssues arising from colour blindness for each individual sport. As a minimum we’d like to achieve four important goals 

  • colour blind fans able to distinguish teams from each other, from the pitch/playing surface and to be able to see a clear distinction between goalkeepers/match officials and outfield players etc, in all sports at every level.
  • colour blind players/coaches able to distinguish equipment such as cones, bibs, line markings, balls and tactical and technical information to the same extent as other people.
  • information/signage and equipment at grounds and stadia which is easy for colour blind people to see and understand, especially in an emergency.
  • for people with colour blindness to be able to understand the information on websites of sporting organisations and clubs and in particular to be able to select and buy tickets independently.

We’ve already made fantastic progress in football with the creation of the first comprehensive guidance on colour blindness in football [Click here to access] which we created in partnership with the FA and UEFA and we’re keen spread the word creating similar documents for other sports organisations and governing bodies.

Bay Tree House, 17 Menmarsh Road, Aylesbury, HP18 9JT

01844 396336