Active Norfolk

Active Norfolk is one of 43 County Sports Partnerships that is working with a wide range of local, regional, and national partners to improve physical activity and sports participation levels in Norfolk.

We strive to make Norfolk an active, healthy, and successful sporting county through our work:

Promoting - We aim to provide the single source of activity information for players, coaches and organisers, and volunteers. Through our activity search we provide details on hundreds of opportunities to be active across Norfolk. We aim to provide opportunities for those who are taking their first steps into physical activity through to those who want to join a club and take their sports participation to the next level.

Advocating - We advocate the important role sport and physical activity has to play through improving our physical and mental health and wellbeing, and in bringing communities together.

Influencing - We work with partners in local government to ensure that sport and physical activity is considered and included within key development strategies, policies and services as part of an integrated solution to the challenges facing our county.

Educating - We aim to inform and educate our partners, stakeholders, and the media about the ways sport and physical activity can be leveraged to impact on the issues that are strategically important to them.

Connecting - We work on a partnership approach to solving complex local issues, identifying and connecting key players at a strategic level to provide innovative solutions to local problems.

Easton & Otley College, Easton, Norwich, NR9 5DX

01603 732333